Top 20 NuGet Packages depending on Microsoft ASP.NET SignalR Core Components

Total dependencies: 189

Light-weight framework for building micro services
NCache backplane for scaling out ASP.NET SignalR applications in web-farm.
A messaging backplane based on SignalR for scaling out of ASP.NET SignalR applications in a web-farm where the persistant storage will be handled by another backplane.
Web stack with OWIN, WebApi, SignalR, Autofac, AutoMapper, various utilities and configuration defaults to speed up initial setup efforts
A Event Aggregator proxy for SignalR
This package is used by the Magelia WebStore extensibility project to get references to Magelia WebStore runtime library. Please don't use directly, install the Magelia WebStore extensibility project and create a new Magelia WebStore extension Visual Studio project.
Distributed job queue for .NET powered by Katana and SignalR.
Incredibly simple real-time signalr message hub for .NET
Cronix Web Interface
Wrapper for Kleu.Utility.Web for utilizing OWIN SelfHost in the console
Some simple helpers for writing SignalR in C# scripts. The main purpose of this is to allow sending messages to clients without having to use the dynamic object, which is not supported by Roslyn (and therefore ScriptCs) at the time of writing.
An expression language for Umbraco Forms
Utility library for generating TypeScript hub definitions for a Signalr assembly.
The server side Hub for backplane messaging based on SignalR.
Provides server part of Realmius sync engine.
Use Ninject as your IoC container of choice with WebAPI and CQRS.NET