Top 20 NuGet Packages depending on Google.Protobuf

Total dependencies: 700

Tron Protocol GRPC calls
Platform 6 C# client
GGM.Serializer의 Protobuf 구현체입니다.
Simple yet useful .net etcd v3 grpc client
We are a hybrid event source as a service. You can use a fully indexed and powerful event source that is highly scalable and fast as hell. Or you can use document style data storage to simply persist state. Or you can use both, we're cool like that.
etcd chsarp generate by grpc tools
Google.ProtocolBuffers serializer for Chinchilla, the little library that makes RabbitMQ awesome
A .NET Framework System.Data implementation for Apache Phoenix including IDbConnection, IDbCommand, IDbTransaction and IDataReader.
Kronoc.Core is a main library for Kronos cache platform (Kronos.Server)
SDK to access the Vendasta listing service.
Package Description
Blockchain Signature Request
Represents an Zeebe Hazelcast connector, which can be used in combination with the Zeebe Hazelcast exporter. The Zeebe Hazelcast exporter transforms the exported Zeebe Records into protobuf messages and transfer them over the wire to the registered connectors. Zeebe Hazelcast Connectors are ava...
Grpc service client for the Central Lucene29 Search Engine for the sensenet platform.
Client for Swisschain.Exchange.Accounts API
Client for Swisschain.Exchange.Fees API
A lightweight library that implements a very simple client-server protocol based upon a string request and a string response.