Top 20 NuGet Packages depending on Google.Protobuf

Total dependencies: 700

Message contracts for the Sensate IoT Network services.
Helm contains a .NET client which you can use to interact with Helm, the package manager for Kubernetes. It contains an client-side implementation of HAPI, the gRPC-based Helm API
The DotDashPay SDK allows you to easily enable payments for your C# or .NET application.
Kronos - the cache platform
FsShelter components for building event-processing topologies
OcAgent exporter for OpenCensus
Basic types for AElf.
C# API for the Anki Vector robot.
IOST Blockchain SDK for C#. SDK to create a wallet, upload a Smart Contract, or use the IOST blockchain for application integration
Package Description
.NET Wechaty Grpc
School Project for a Logger Monitor
SDK for programming with the Anki Vector robot.
Dgraph Client for .NET
Package Description
Hyperledger Sawtooth SDK