Top 20 NuGet Packages depending on FluentNHibernate

Total dependencies: 254

Easy integration between NHibernate and WCF, ASP.NET MVC, Web services
The fastest and smoothest way to great architecture
Runs UcdArch with NHibernate support.
NHibernate-specific elements of the unit of work pattern
Migration generator based on NHiberante.
Extensions of Nhibernate and FluentNhiberate (#foo never uses one without the other...)
Collection of classes supporting the repository pattern and usage with fluent nhibernate
This library allows developers to Create, Update, and Delete database schemas based on their hibernate.cfg.xml and *.hmb.xml entity mapping files, and Fluent Mappings stored on project assemblies.
A base class for storing settings.
default nhibernate session and config managments services for sql2005+ only
Grapes it is an utility library which takes care of mapping tree-like data structures into database.
CSharpSQLite driver for Fluent NHibernate.
Provides Vertica 7 integration with NHibernate.
Provides convenience code for doing SQLite in memory unit testing with NHibernate
Seedwork for the Infrastructure Data Application Block - NHibernate
Sample database project for use with LINQPad.NHibernate.FormatSQL in LINQPad.