Top 20 NuGet Packages depending on FluentNHibernate

Total dependencies: 254

An easy-to-use but opinionated data layer bootstrapper.
A bootstrapper for CQRS Framework
.net framework that helps you build applications easily
Provides Fluent NHibernate persistance support for a Sharp Architecture application, providing NHibernate session managment and initialisation, MVC Transaction attributes and implementations of core SharpArch data access interfaces.
A framework for defining relational data in code and populating a target database using NHibernate
A VisualStudio tool to allow programmers to develop Transaction Aware classes for NHibernate. TransactionAware AOP is implemented at compile time with CompileTimeWeaver.Fody.
An NHibernate implementation of the unit of work pattern
BootSharp Data designed for NHibernate.
Provides the infrastructure for building multi-tenant solutions (SaaS) using MVC5 and NHibernate
The Pure Data Accessor's NHibernate implemention package
Telligent library for the Ion Framework
Package Description
A SignalR backplane provider for SQL Server, MySQL, Oracle, DB/2, PostgreSQL, and Firebird
Support use NHibernate in ZKWeb. For more information please visit project site.