Top 20 NuGet Packages depending on Dapper

Total dependencies: 1885

A fast and easy to use cross platform library for managing data with different databases based on Dapper.
Package Description
This project provides the Microsoft Sql Server implementation of the interfaces in the Albatross.Database project
Dapper.SimpleSave makes it easy to save complex object hierarchies to a relational database.
Spry - fluent CRUD queries using Dapper
The package Provides a solution for the Repository and UnitOfWork patterns together with inversition of control. On the project site there are examples of Autofact, Castle.Windsor, Ninject, Simpleinjector, StructureMap, and Unity integration. The IoC framework is not an issue... It is ment to...
Lite ORM framework based on Dapper and SQL Query Generation from ServiceStack/NServicekit
Assembly that provides assistance in testing Dapper methods, allows for Verify and Setup with sql and parameters
Ambient context implementation for Dapper.NET
Biblioteca base para a camada Data. Esta é uma biblioteca utilizada em todos os projetos Tolitech, inclusive os gerados pela ferramenta Code Generator. Mais informações em
Dapper Backend for Activout.DatabaseClient.
PopForums.Data.Sql Class Library
Helper methods GetOne, GetMany, GetScalar, GetScalarBool, GetScalarDate, NonQuery, GetOneAsync, GetManyAsync, GetScalarAsync, GetScalarBoolAsync, GetScalarDateAsync, NonQueryAsync
Type-safe Dapper built with "Criteria Pattern"
A Dapper wrapper which provides some useful helper for common data operations.
AA.Dapper 基于dapper+dommel 开发 , 支持工作单元、仓储模式、读写分离和原生dapper的操作
A simple auto generated CRUD operations library that is a wrapper around Dapper and exposes the Repository interface
An abstraction layer over Dapper. Includes CRUD operations and unit of work support
Library to manage database change tracking as a stream.
ADO.NET 数据库访问。