Top 20 NuGet Packages depending on Dapper

Total dependencies: 1885

Assembly that provides assistance in testing Dapper methods, allows for Verify and Setup with sql and parameters
Helper library for streamlined access to data via SP and queries using MySql data provider.
JTS SCOPE DotNet Framework BLL Library
agent job console to hangfire postgresql
NETopes ASP.NET Core framework Identity package
Alchemium Unlimited for .NET 7
A Razor class library with logic to render a simple blog engine.
Spear Dapper
Dump your MSSQL database into file or stream
Fork 自 增加sqlite支持,更新efcore 3.1.x的支持 更新依赖库到最新版本 ef and dapper repository. Tesseract library is used across many projects.
A simple Dapper Service by Drysdale Chivhanga
CAP persistent Sqlite implementation
Foundation Libraries
PostgreSQL data provider for Serilog UI.