NuGet Packages By Dependencies

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CoreTweet [3 dependencies]

A .NET Twitter Library supporting API v1.1 and v2 Simple, Powerful, and Well-designed for LINQ See also:
Core components for for Selenium WebDriver extensions.
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FRC NetworkTables [3 dependencies]

A Managed version of the NetworkTables3 Protocol.
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FCP.Web.Cluster [3 dependencies]

Web Cluster for FCP(Fluent Compute Platform)
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Retyped.aurelia-path [3 dependencies]

Aurelia Path (aurelia-path) binding library for Bridge.NET projects.
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KdSoft.TransientStorage [3 dependencies]

Implementation of transient (non-persistent) key-value storage.
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NServiceBus.Blueprint [3 dependencies]

A model for building blueprints of complex multi-data centre NServiceBus-based distributed systems
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Ccf.Ck.Models.KraftModule [3 dependencies]

This package contains CoreKraft KraftModule, KraftModuleCollection models and their extension methods.
.NET for Android (formerly Xamarin.Android) bindings for AndroidX library 'androidx.constraintlayout:constraintlayout-solver'.
Several classes containing logic that is not domain specific
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CoreKit.Extension [3 dependencies]

.net standard extensions for reference and/or non reference types.
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CodingCat.Cache [3 dependencies]

Package Description
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GraphQL.RelaySupport [3 dependencies]

Types to add Relay support to graphql-dotnet
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Daydream.Collection [3 dependencies]

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Penguin.Cms.Email [3 dependencies]

Not Available
Package Description
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Monofoxe.Engine [3 dependencies]

Monogame-based game engine with an extremely high fox concenration.
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Acuit.Pinpoint.Workflows [3 dependencies]

Provides a general-purpose workflow engine for use within Acuit Pinpoint.