Top 20 NuGet Packages depending on System.Diagnostics.Contracts

Total dependencies: 215

A library to make things cross-platform that should be.
Fody extension to generate RaisePropertyChange notifications for properties and ObservableAsPropertyHelper properties.
A MVVM framework that integrates with the Reactive Extensions for .NET to create elegant, testable User Interfaces that run on any mobile or desktop platform. This is the base package with the base platform implementations
An asynchronous, persistent key-value store for desktop and mobile applications on .NET
INTERNAL USE ONLY: Docker REST API wrapper (partially completed)
Useful classes used by other NEONSDK packages as well as NEONFORGE applications
Blistering-fast Handlebars.js templates in your .NET application.
This library uses and abuses the features of C# to provide a functional 'Base class library', that, if you squint, can look like extensions to the language itself.
MessagePack is fast, compact, and interoperable binary serialization format. This package provides MessagePack serialization/deserialization APIs. This pacakge also supports Mono, Xamarin, .NET Core and Unity.
Provides a set of packages that can be used when building Universal Windows applications on .NETCore. d67bd83a075b8b10cb95810568073c1a3211f28b When using NuGet 3.x this package requires at least version 3.4.
Service SDK for Azure IoT Hub
Application handlers for DotNetty
Transport model in DotNetty
General purpose codecs for DotNetty
NewId is an ordered 128-bit unique identifier generator using the Flake algorithm.
Buffer management in DotNetty
DotNetty common routines
Utility classes and data structures with an emphasis on integration with native Windows and Linux features, network and disk IO, advanced collections and undo/redo logic.
Middleware for creating, serializing, and parsing Petabridge.Cmd commands and command palettes.
This package contains extensions to the Microsoft Visual Studio Team Test unit testing framework. Features include alternatives to ExpectedExceptionAttribute and a fully extensible assertion application programming interface.