Top 20 NuGet Packages depending on System.Diagnostics.Contracts

Total dependencies: 215

Package Description
Application handlers for DotNetty
General purpose codecs for DotNetty
Package Description
Autofac bootstraper for LoreKeeper.
Package Description
Combines the original DotNetOpenAuth.Core and DotNetOpenAuth.OAuth2 projects. OAuth 2.0 client support only.
NetCoreApp2.0 build of HashLib forked from codeplex
A GUI Framework for .Net Core.
Implementation of File Warehouse that stores files in Azure Blob storage.
UTorrentClient Api is an extensible set of classes that use WebUI to manipulate µTorrent remotely.
FileWarehouse allows you to work with files in different storages using common interface. This is interface package.
Managed web socket protocol parser.
This library contains Azure IoT Hub specific components of Azure IoT protocol gateway that enables protocol translation for Azure IoT Hub.
FlexMapper is the counterpart to AutoMapper. While AutoMapper uses primary a lot of Reflection stuff to map the values of two classes or object, FlexMapper focuses the pointedly manual mapping. AutoMapper is a great solution if you just want to map simple objects, like ViewModels or data-transfer ob...