Top 20 NuGet Packages depending on Json.NET

Total dependencies: 33668

The implementations of Common Web Infrastructure. See README on github.
Knockout.js - is a popular JavaScript library that allows easy creation of feature-rich applications based on Model-View-View Model (MVVM) pattern: user interface can be bound to a separate existing data model. And any change of the model will result in dynamic refresh of the interface. Knockout MV...
Port of the Enyim Memcached Provider to Couchbase Server with some improvements: - Target framework is .NET 4.5 - Session data compression is supported. - NLog logging can be enabled to output basic information for all Save / Load actions (item id and size before and after compression) - LZ4 fast c...
Windows Azure Service Bus wrapper modeled after the NServiceBus pattern of IHandleMessage<T>. (Core)
Custom log4net appender publishing log messages on to RabbitMQ in GELF format. A simple way to integrate your logging with
Utility code for working with local git repos and the GitHub web API.
Client library for accessing the EasyPost Shipping API via C#
A Event Aggregator proxy for SignalR
The Spring AMQP project applies core Spring concepts to the development of AMQP-based messaging solutions. We provide a "template" as a high-level abstraction for sending and receiving messages. We also provide support for Message-driven POCOs. These libraries facilitate management of AMQP resources...
TripleA is an extensible framework for building components for use in test frameworks to target system and deployment verification.
Implements the core NETFx ISerializer interface using Json.NET serializer.
Implements the core NETFx ISerializer interface using a Json.NET serializer.
Strong-typed Linq to Web API. Builds on top of HttpClient and provides the easiest way to interface with typed REST services that are modeled around typed entities or contracts. Example: var products = client .Query<Product>("products") .OrderBy(x => x.Downloads) .Skip(25) .Take(25) .ToList();
ASP.Net MVC library for Ajax, Hijax, and reverse-Ajax (Comet)
Typically this package is only installed as a dependency of another package.