Top 20 NuGet Packages depending on NLog for .NET Framework and .NET Standard

Total dependencies: 2160

nJupiter.Abstraction.Logging is an abstraction library which makes it easy to change between different logging frameworks in runtime. NOTICE: This is the NLog logging platform implementation for nJupiter.Abstraction.Logging
Chain of Responsibility API, similar to Apache Chain
LDIF, LDAP schema, LDAP runtime, and LDAP Entry tools
The required development libraries to access the API offered by Elron's GT-MP Framework.
Common.Logging library bindings for NLog 4.4.11 logging framework.
This package is intended to provide a repository to secure the storage of private-public key pairs, authorization or public key certificates, and Authorization tokens.
RavenDB target for NLog
This is a very small library that provides application launcher API.
TeamViewer QuickSupport Integration for .net45 applications
Create WebApi from SQL Server Stored Procedures
A very useful proxy for using NLog. You can use it! But if you want to use another logger such as Log4Net, you can change just LoggerProxy! not all of your applications.