Top 20 NuGet Packages depending on NLog for .NET Framework and .NET Standard

Total dependencies: 2160

Simple library that allows one to host dot net core application as windows services. Perfect solution to power micro-services architecture.
A WATGx Model Extension library
Package Description
Package Description
An NLog target for the Bugsnag error reporting SaaS. NLog: Bugsnag:
Panteon Task SDK
Craig's Utility Library is one of the largest collections of utility classes and extension methods for .Net. It includes code to help with tasks including encryption, compression, serialization, file management, email, image manipulation, SQL, various file formats (CSV, iCal, etc.), randomization, v...
X10 Home Automation library for .NET Features - Supports both *CM11* and *CM15* hardware - Event driven - Hot plug - Automatically restabilish connection on error/disconnect - Compatible with Mono
An NLog target for Telegram Messenger Check out the GitHub repo for setup instructions:
Supplemental data access object based loggers for Bam
Simple and easy to use the log class library package
The NLog Syslog Target is a custom target for NLog version 3.2.1 allowing you to send logging messages to a UNIX-style Syslog server.
An NLog layout renderer that allows items in the current HTTP context to be added to a log layout. Example: ${http-context-item:X-RequestId} will log the contents of HttpContext.Current.Items["X-Request-Id"]
Enables sending log messages from the Lacuna PKI SDK to the NLog logging library
NLog Mustache Layout Renderer.
Common functions used by and developed for Azuro Internal Use.
NLog.Targets.Pushover is a custom target for NLog enabling you to send logging messages to the Pushover service