Top 20 NuGet Packages depending on IdentityServer4

Total dependencies: 220

EntityFramework persistence layer for IdentityServer4
ASP.NET Core Identity Integration for IdentityServer4
Redis Store for operational data and for Caching of Identity Server 4
Package Description
Package Description
Expose OData controllers to manage TheIdServer.
Package providing extension methods to assist in the Startup of a dotnet6 app.
Provides Ocelot extensions to use the administration API and IdentityService dependencies that come with it
ASP.NET Core API Authorization package powered by Identity Server. This package was built from the source code at
TheIdServer signing keys rotation.
OpenID Connect and OAuth 2.0 Testing-Framework for ASP.NET Core and IdentityServer4
cloudscribe multi-tenant identity integration for IdentityServer4
Package Description
Emeraude Framework is a powerful library providing abstractions, builders and ready to use ASP.NET Core structure for creating SEO friendly web applications based on SSR Vue.js and mobile applications based on Xamarin Forms.
Workfow Server is a ready-to-use Workflow Engine-based application that you can deploy into your infrastructure. It can be integrated with NodeJS, PHP, Ruby, .NET, or Java applications via a REST API. Workflow Server is a key component for managing the lifecycle of business objects within your enter...
Emeraude Framework is a powerful library providing abstractions, builders and ready to use ASP.NET Core structure for creating SEO friendly web applications based on SSR Vue.js and mobile applications based on Xamarin Forms.
Package Description
WS-Federation support for IdentityServer, allowing WS-Federation identity provider functionality. To purchase a license or get a demo license, contact [email protected].