Top 20 NuGet Packages depending on IdentityServer4

Total dependencies: 220

IdentityServer extension grant implementation to exchange external tokens for IdentityServer access tokens. Includes implementation for popular social logins such as google, facebook, twitter, microsoft, etc.
Package Description
Entity Framework Core persistence layer for IdentityServer4. Contains original work and that of other GitHub repositories.
Azure Table Storage persistence layer for IdentityServer4
GoldenEye is a Full Stack framework written in .NET Core. The main goal of GoldenEye is to speed up your development process. It gathers most widely used frameworks in .NET world and pack them into a simple bootstrap Nuget packages. It also provide set of base classes, helpers, extensions that will ...
Entity Framework 7 persistence layer for IdentityServer4 -Deprecated- Use TwentyTwenty.IdentityServer4.EntityFrameworkCore
Linq To DB persistence layer for IdentityServer4
An IdentityServer plugin for ServiceStack Authentication
MongoDB persistence layer for IdentityServer4
Secure Token Service, IdentityBase web interface
Identity Server 4 Persistance Storage with AWS DynamoDB
Allows IdentityServer4 to fetch Clients, API Resources, etc. from Kubernetes Custom Resources rather than a database.