Top 20 NuGet Packages depending on Dapper

Total dependencies: 1885

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Package Description
Jango.Dapper extension
DCMS data abstractions
Package Description
Package Description
Internal library for simplifying database operation
Package Description
Package Description
Package Description
基于Dapper,DapperExtension进行封装,泛型仓储模式,支持异步,支持事务,支持SqlServer、MySql、Sqlite、Oracle、阿里的ADBForMySql等多数据库。 仓库地址:
基于Dapper,DapperExtension进行封装,泛型仓储模式,支持异步,支持事务,支持SqlServer、MySql、Sqlite、Oracle等多数据库。 仓库地址:
基于Dapper,DapperExtension进行封装,泛型仓储模式,支持异步,支持事务,支持SqlServer、MySql、Sqlite、Oracle等多数据库。 仓库地址:
UnitOfWork is a Dot Net Standard to implemented for unit of work patterns, Query Handler Patter, repository and direct MS SQL queries using dapper.
Extend your IDbConnection with high-performance bulk operations Features: BulkInsert, BulkDelete, BulkUpdate, BulkMerge, and more! Support: SQL Server, MySQL, SQLite;ORM framework Sub-database Sub-table, Read-write Separation, Master-slave delay, Distributed cache Include free and prime features.
Common class for SK Project
Package Description