Top 20 NuGet Xamarin Packages

Cross Platform Mobile Development

Auto generated Xamarin.Forms UI from your Domain Models
Xamarin.Android binding library with AndroidX support - SlidingUpPanel
A rating gateway which takes care of when to prompt the user to review your Xamarin application, by evaluating through a set of defined conditions each time a rating action is triggered by the user.
Untranslocator allows to get the original path from a translocated macOS app (App Translocation)
This package implements the parsing capabilities of the Scandit Data Capture SDK for Xamarin. It supports parsing a large number of different data formats.
CC.TouchTracking.Forms provides unified API for multi-touch gestures on Android, iOS and UWP which can be consumed as Effect in Xamarin Forms.
WpfHUD is a Progress / HUD library for WPF(Xamarin) which allows you to easily add amazing HUDs to your app!
This is based on I have added some more changes and improvements on original repo
CC.CircularSlider.Forms Circular slider implementation for Xamarin.Forms.
Xamarin wrapper around mobile-ffmpeg for iOS. External libraries: fontconfig freetype fribidi kvazaar libaom libass libiconv libtheora libvpx libwebp snappy. Based on
Xamarin wrapper around mobile-ffmpeg for iOS. External libraries: vid.stab x264 x265 xvidcore. Based on
Xamarin wrapper around mobile-ffmpeg for iOS. External libraries: -. Based on