Top 20 NuGet XML Packages

RestWell is a simple, easy to use, light weight .NET generic client which provides simple abstraction of the communication layer between your code and RESTful Web APIs.
XML binding library for Bridge.NET projects.
Simple XML (simple-xml) binding library for Bridge.NET projects.
Pleno Excel é um façade para o DocumentFormat.OpenXML muito simples de utilizar. using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.IO; using Microsoft.VisualStudio.TestTools.UnitTesting; using MPSC.PlenoSoft.Office.Planilhas.Controller; using MPSC.PlenoSoft.Office.Planilhas.Integracao...
This is the Client library for API service for links managing on your site.
Liquid XML Data Binder Runtime for .Net Core 1.1.
XmlResult and FromXmlBody are ASP.NET Core MVC Xml formatters [Microsoft.AspNetCore.Mvc.Formatters.Xml] extensions. They allow precisely define which of the Xml formatters DataContractSerializer or/and XmlSerializer to use for input and output in the Web Application controller actions.
SDK foundation and web devlop frame
iTin Export Engine Core, contains a tab-separated values (txt), comma-seprated values (csv), XML spreadsheet 2003 (xml) and SQL Script (sql) native writers
Integrates Bender with the Graphite web framework.
PSWebApi is a simple library for turning PowerShell Scripts or batch/executable files into ASP.NET Web APIs (RESTful Services) out of the box. See details in
XML (De)Serializer for Easy Web.
Light-weight yet powerfull XML-based OO/NoSQL thread-safe embedded database for .NETCore
Features: * Very simple interface. Essentially the interface consists of two methods (with a couple of convenient overloads) on the class XmlExpressionSerializer from the namespace vm.Aspects.ExpressionSerialization: - public static XElement ToXmlElement(Expression expression...
Quickly build simple reports in Excel OpenXML format.
A sitemap XML template for Umbraco websites, with accurate change frequencies generated from historical Umbraco content changes.
Edit content/settings of nodes as XML directly in Umbraco UI