Top 20 NuGet ORM Packages

Abstract and base classes for Postulate ORM
A simple, powerful, ultra-fast ORM for .NET supporting Adaptive Server Enterprise, SQL Server, Oracle, PostgreSQL, SQL Anywhere, Informix, etc.
OrmLite for SqlServer with Microsoft.SqlServer.Types
OrmLite for PostgreSql with Npgsql
OrmLite for Oracle with Oracle.ManagedDataAccess and Oracle.ManagedDataAccess.Core
OrmLite for MySql with MySqlConnector
OrmLite for MySql with Mysql.Data
FreeSql 数据库 Odbc 实现,基于 {Oracle}、{SQL Server}、{MySQL ODBC 8.0 Unicode Driver}、{PostgreSQL Unicode(x64)}、{DM8 ODBC Driver} 专用访问实现,以及通用 Odbc 访问所有数据库
The CData Snowflake Provider allows you to use standard drivers to access data from the Snowflake database.
Package Description
FreeSql 扩展包,实现 linq queryable 和 linq to sql 语法进行开发.
FreeSql 数据库实现,基于 达梦数据库 (DmProvider)
Adds native NodaTime support for EntityFrameworkCore.
FreeSql 全家桶,懒人专用
Entity Framework Core database provider for Clinia CQRS domain store.
An extremely easy to use Micro-ORM supporting Sql Server.
An extension library that contains the official Bulk Operations of RepoDb for SQL Server.
Extension for mocking Entity Framework Core operations such ToListAsync, FirstOrDefaultAsync etc. When writing tests for your application it is often desirable to avoid hitting the database. The extension allows you to achieve this by creating a context – with behavior defined by your tests – th...
FreeSql Implementation of General Repository, Support MySql/SqlServer/PostgreSQL/Oracle/Sqlite/Firebird/Clickhouse/QuestDB/达梦/人大金仓/南大通用/虚谷/神舟通用/翰高/Access, and read/write separation、and split table.
Entity Framework Core support for EventFlow