Top 20 NuGet MVC Packages

JsTrace allows you to heavily instrument your JavaScript code without flooding the console with messages. It has "Trace Levels" (off, error, warn, info, debug, log), which allow you to fine-tune what amount of trace information comes out of each area or module of your code. It additionally supports ...
Google closure based javascript compiler that integrates tightly into Visual Studio
coffee-script compiler implementation in .NET. With HttpHandler for *.coffee files. Keeps track of compiled and included *.js/*.coffee files and only recompiles when files change.
JSTest.NET is a lightweight managed wrapper around the Windows Script Host (CScript.exe) available on any Windows machine. JSTest.NET enables JavaScript unit tests to be run directly in the test framework of your choice (MSTest, NUnit, xUnit, etc) without the need for a web browser. JSTest.NET is fo...
Magellan is a navigation framework for Windows Presentation Foundation. It helps you to build inductive, navigation-oriented applications.
Magellan is a navigation framework for Windows Presentation Foundation. It helps you to build inductive, navigation-oriented applications. This package includes additional support for Blend Behaviors and Transitionals.
The starter kit provides the Asp.Net MVC controllers, models, and views needed to administer users & roles.
A quick way to theme an MVC Razor website
Modernizr adds classes to the <html> element which allow you to target specific browser functionality in your stylesheet. You don't actually need to write any Javascript to use it. Modernizr is a small and simple JavaScript library that helps you take advantage of emerging web technologies (...
Require email confirmation in ASP.NET MVC3 registration. Updated for AppHarbor.
HTML5 Boilerplate 3.0 for the MVC3 Razor View Engine. Includes YUI Compressor Dependency and build script. HTML5Boilerplare site: YUICompressor.NET site:
Harvest inspired simple weighted bar graph
TPL ( Task based asynchronous action ) support for ASP.NET MVC3
There are times where you would like to pass a message up to the view, but you aren’t sure where the redirects will end up last. That is where MvcFlash comes in. You push messages into MvcFlash and then call Flash() when you need the messages display. A super simple implementation that just works. D...
A libary for easily calling ASP.NET MVC Action methods from JavaScript
ASP.NET MVC Installer - install your database schema and the ASP.NET Membership system on your server via a browser.
CoffeeScript compiler for Windows. With a HttpHandler, command-line tool and a .NET library. For ASP.NET projects: After installing this package, all .coffee files will be compiled on the fly by the HttpHandler and returned as JavaScript. Note: For production usage, it is recommened to compile all...
Reduces load times of CSS, JavaScrip and image files. Combines CSS and JavaScript files to reduce request overheads. Minifies CSS and JavaScript files. Uses cookieless domains to reduce cookie overhead. Implementes far future caching and inserts version numbers in urls to ensure browser always loads...