Top 20 NuGet MVC Packages

XAMLtoMVC was created to ease tasks in web development when you have something to display that is impossible (or nearly impossible) with html. And especially with images you want to use, but you realize you can't because they are too static to reflect even the smallest changes. The solution is...
Prototyping is a collection of helpers for MVC to assist with wireframing. Quickly generate lorem ipsum for wireframing using the Ipsum helper and fluent api. @Html.Ipsum().h1().p().h2().p() Easily generate placeholder images using the Placehold helper. @Html.Placehold(300, 400).
Some basic scaffolding to give you a controller and views for your Poco. This is more of a pre release than a final version, much more to come and would appreciate all feedback positive and negative. Be aware this initial release relies on you naming your poco's with the suffix "Poco".
PagedList extension for ASP.NET MVC (razor) with custom html-pager for bootstrap.
Code that gives you a simple starting point for hypermedia usage in ASP.NET MVC.
Roadkill .NET wiki engine is a lightweight but powerful Wiki platform. It is powered by Lightspeed, ASP.NET Razor and jQuery. Supports Creole, Markdown and a subset of Mediawiki syntaxes.
Signals.js is a light weight (1k minified) pure JavaScript implementation of the Observer pattern also known as PubSub. Using Signals.js in your JavaScript gives you the ability to break down our applications into smaller, more loosely coupled modules, which can improve general manageability.
Small helper to simplify use of SharpShooter's Report.Web component in ASP.NET MVC environment
jMoney.js is a light weight pure JavaScript spec(test) framework. jMoney is great for prototyping JavaScript and very easy to use. All specs(tests) results render in the console so there is no need to set anything up, just add a reference to the file and start testing.
Register routes using attributes on your controller actions for ASP.NET MVC
Aperea.Bootstrap.MVC is a small opinionated bootstrapper for MVC 4 Applications, it Aperea.Bootstrap, AutoMapper and StructureMap.
An MVVM+Controller implementation for WPF & WP7, giving all the goodness of MVVM while introducing a controller to make it easier to write better apps easier. Supporting type safe navigation, MVVM, wp7 lifecycle/tombstoning and much more!
Installs the Angular.js seed project (RC1) into an MVC project
This tasty recipe will quench your MVC hunger quickly. If you have an existing SQL Server table, use this recipe to whip up a batch of MVC4 goodness - models, controllers, views (both desktop and mobile versions) and REST API's in seconds by simply pointing this app to that table. Yum! ...
The route attribute helps you localize all route information at the place in the code where the route executes.
Access ErrorLog Provider for ELFAR.
In-Memory ErrorLog Provider for ELFAR.
SQL Server ErrorLog Provider for ELFAR (MVC+WebApi).
SQLite ErrorLog Provider for ELFAR (MVC+WebApi).