Top 20 NuGet IoC Packages

Mocking container extension for unit-testing Unity-based projects.
Grace.CommonServiceLocator provides integration classes between the Microsoft CommonServiceLocator Pattern and Grace (Dependency Injection Container)
Solves the problem of dependent properties and cascading changes by allowing you to declare formula's for properties and ReactGraph will cascade changes in the most efficient way possible
The way to alter class behavior without explicit inheritance which helps creating non-conflicting software extensions.
Plugly integration for Unity Container.
Configures AppBoot core to use Unity Container
Configures AppBoot core to be used in an Web Api app
Provides ability to use Simplify.DI as IOC container in WCF services
A Xamarin iOS library to enable dependency injection of UIViewControllers that use storyboards.This package provides a default implementation for the Microsoft Unity container.
This package implements the IOC provider contracts via AutoFac
NLog3 Logging extension for Ninject
Managed Extensibility Framework (MEF) interception support using LinFu.
Managed Extensibility Framework (MEF) and Autofac integration.
Managed Extensibility Framework (MEF) and Unity integration.
Build Autofac containers without a builder variable
Ninject adapter for CommonFramework.
Provides ability to expose or consume components from another AppDomain using .NET Remoting.
Integrates with synchronization elements of .NET framework (like ISynchronizeInvoke interface, SynchronizationContext), ensures components that inherit Control get created on UI thread etc.