Top 20 NuGet IoC Packages

a develop framework named assistant jane!
a develop framework named assistant jane!
a develop framework named assistant jane!
A minimalistic Aspect Oriented Pointcut approach for Castle DynamicProxy.
Add to AspNetCore projects only, adds ability to insert RegistrationAttribute types to IServiceCollection.
Autofac container integration for Xer.Cqrs
A library with repository interfaces for using NoSQL
NetStandard2.1 and NetCoreApp3.0 Utilities for Crud API System - Base Services Implementation: should be referenced by project containing Services implementations
SimpleInjector extension for enabling AOP in conjunction with Castle.
DryIoc adapter for Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyInjection
A featherweight dependency injector.
Dependency injection in ASP.NET Core
Scheduler Quartz.NET for .NET Standard 2.0 - ServiceProdiver job factory
Provides extension methods for conveniently decorating Functional.CQS handler implementations with metrics-capturing concerns: - Functional.CQS.IQueryHandler<TQuery, TResult> - Functional.CQS.IAsyncQueryHandler<TQuery, TResult> - Functional.CQS.ICommandHandler<TCommand, TError> - Functional.CQS.IAsy...