Top 20 NuGet HTML Packages

Beautiful Color Picker dialog for Android 9+ based on VintageChroma by Pavel Sikun
Fluent way to create HTML code in C# .NET Core.
Simple package for internal logging into the local file
React Dnd Html5 Backend (react-dnd-html5-backend) binding library for Bridge.NET projects.
Jsreport HTML To Xlsx (jsreport-html-to-xlsx) binding library for Bridge.NET projects.
HTML Void Elements (html-void-elements) binding library for Bridge.NET projects.
Htmlbars Inline Precompile (htmlbars-inline-precompile) binding library for Bridge.NET projects.
ClassicForms (For Bridge.Net) - Create a Windows Application using ClassicForms UI and Bridge for the Browser..
WPF module of Alba.CsConsoleFormat. WPF control for rendering console documents. Output images to console. Export to FixedDocument, FlowDocument, RTF and XPS.
Alternative implementation of the standard functionality of the formatted and interpolated strings. LibProtection provides a realtime automatic protection from any class of the injection attacks, which belong to the most attacked languages (HTML, URL, JavaScript, SQL and the file paths are currently...
This package has been deprecated, please use idrsolutions-csharp-client which can be used for the same purpose. Convert PDF to HTML5 or SVG with C#, using the BuildVu C# Client to interact with IDRsolutions' BuildVu Microservice Example. The BuildVu Microservice Example is an open source project th...