Top 20 NuGet HTML Packages

Wyam is a simple to use, highly modular, and extremely configurable static content generator. This library provides support for minification of HTML, CSS and JavaScript content.
StackExpress Razor2 Documentation: - Turns ServiceStack into a Complete Web + REST Services Stack. Replaces need for ASP.NET MVC. - Runs In ASP.NET or Self-host, first-class cross-platform support on .NET / Mono runtimes. - Add HTML views to existing ...
A web scraping framework for .Net
HTML PDF (html-pdf) binding library for Bridge.NET projects.
HtmlToPdf Umbraco plugin
This extension provides two new HTML helpers: Html.Button() to render an HTML button element with an _Icon Font_ inside and Html.LinkButton() to render an HTML link element with an _Icon Font_ inside that will be rendered like a button.
Aurochses.AspNetCore.Html is a library for ASP.NET Core HTML.
Xamarin.Forms Control for showing simple HTML Text in a Label
xSkrape provides parsing / tabular detection for structured, semi and non-structured data sources with minimal coding. Interact with HTML, JSON, XML, CSV, Excel, DropBox, Google Docs and other sources using simple directives. This package contains a .cs file with example usage of the REST-based vers...
Custom parsers to help to parse HTML and JSON content.
A fast, powerfull, CommonMark compliant, extensible Markdown processor for .NET with 20+ builtin extensions (pipetables, footnotes, definition lists... etc.)
Compiles Html files for the AngularJs using LigerShark.WebOptimizer.Core system.
NET - sockets: Abstracted low level network support - Reactor pattern: Popular network abstraction pattern support - MIME messages: Encoding support - HTTP: High level HTTP support for client and servers - FTP: High level FTP support - Mail: POP3, SMTP stream based support - HTML: Form support
A wrapper to run css-to-xpath on .net with Jint
HtmlPackager is a small library used to package HTML content into a self contained HTML document either as a single file or console output stream, a folder with all dependencies copied to local or a zip file. It provides an automated, programmatic way to perform a similar task to what Browser **Save...
WebView implementation supporting Markdown rendering for Xamarin.Android