Top 20 NuGet Entity Framework Packages

A library for managing the lifetime of Entity Framework Core DbContext instances. This package is based on the original DbContextScope repository by Mehdi El Gueddari, updated for .NET 6+ and EF Core, with a number of additional improvements and bug fixes.
Permite conectarse a bases de datos usando entity framework y listas paginadas en servidor
When you call stored procedure with select and output parameters and you don't select on some conditions (for example, you're just returning an error code) — you get a mapping EntityCommandExecutionException. This package fixes this annoying behavior of EF by returning empty data set and letting you...
Commom functions and extensions used on Asp.Net Core Tempus Digital's projects.
A set of extensions for entity framework classess providing useful functionality, such as update or delete methods for EF Queries, as well as some utility extensions.
Fixes for EntityFrameworkCore
Fixes for EntityFrameworkCore
An extension for EntityFramework that provides Auditing, Concurrency Checks, storing complex types as JSON and storing history of all changes from DbContext to Transaction Log.
A library to seed databases from CSV files, using .NET Core and Entity Framework Core
Aurochses.Data.EntityFrameworkCore is a library to access database with Unit of Work, Repository and Entity classes for Entity Framework Core.
Repository pattern implementation with Entity Framework 6
This nuget package will add support for views migrations to Entity Framework.
This is interbase entity framework provider