Top 20 NuGet Csv Packages

Csv file format.
Retrieve logs from a WADLogsTable and write them to a CSV file.
DbShell - CSV file format support.
Running a unique filter for each CSV line
Excel Tools Implementation
A library that provides async IO operations and transactions. Supports conversions back and forth from popular formats like Json, Bson, Xml, Csv on the fly or directly to persist.
LocalizationExtension is a really easy way to localize any type of DependencyProperties or native Properties on DependencyObjects (This is a fork to support .net core 3.1)
Flat file generator with configurable options
Create CSV or CSV string from list of objects
Update MS Dynamics CRM Data using CSV files
CSV file parser. Convert csv files into objects.
DotNetHelper.Serialization.Csv is a wrapper over csvhelper but that will auto map class for you and allow you to use the same method for dealing with list or a single object
To convert CSV file to as HTML file.
GraphQl Extensions. Contains Xlsx output formatter, csv output formatter
Import and export for CSV data in .Net
Deserializer for values from CSV files
This tool will help you to check your FetchXML results easly :) 1- You can run FetchXML query and show results into a clear view grid. 2- You can convert and run a SQL Select statment on CRM directly. 3- You can run an on-demand workflow against all selected records. 4- You can run and export d...
csv/tsv parser (基于作者源代码重新编译,支持.net45,.net451,.net452)因为项目的需要支持.net framework,无奈为之,望作者莫怪,在此表示诚挚的谢意!谢谢!
BakingSheet importer for CSV files