Top 20 NuGet Azure Packages

MassTransit AzureServiceBus configuration extensions using Microsoft.Extensions.Hosting.IHostedService and Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyInjection.
MassTransit AzureServiceBusCore configuration extensions using Microsoft.Extensions.Hosting.IHostedService and Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyInjection.
This library contains the Xigadee connectors for Microsoft SQL Server.
Receive and handle azure push notifications across Xamarin.iOS and Xamarin.Android
한글용 Azure DevOps WorkItem Iteration 처리 Library
Transform Azure KeyVault macros into their respective values during local development
This library is to help make is easier to work with Blobs.
Azure Blob Storage blob provider for the sensenet platform.
Microsoft ServiceBus based implementation of DynamicQueue framework for .Net Core.
NLog based logging provider for DynamicQueue.Core.
Create a new jscript file to track client insights by integrating it with Azure Application Insights. Bulk update all the required forms with the App Insights jscript.
A supercharged .NET SDK for Azure CosmosDB with ORM support
AspNetCore EventGrid middleware and more.
Azure Table Storage made easy with a very simple object model including optional secondary and full text indexes. Adds support for more .NET types, lists and easy fluent style querying. Includes easy to use blob storage utilities, user friendly ID generation, local and cloud backup functions. When ...
Cache plugin for ImageResizer .NET using Microsoft Azure Blob Storage.
Azure DevOps plug-ins and extensions library for AnyStatus. For more information visit
Xigadee Communication library contains communication channels that do not require Azure components.