Top 20 NuGet AJAX Packages

Fully featured AboutScreen for Silverlight applications running on Windows Phone.
Web.Maps.VE is the first ASP.NET Ajax Bing Maps Server Control. Allowing you to integrate Bing Maps mapping functionality into your ASP.NET Web Forms applications.
JSON Consumer
ContentEditableMvc lets you use the power of the HTML5 contenteditable attribute and Ajax to make content changes client side.
JSON parser that generates either a dynamic object or a strongly typed object
Echovoice JSON Array Encode, Decode and Pretty methods.
Easy to use framework for serializing to and from json. Supports typed dto objects, dynamic dto objects and immutable dto types like F# record types. Can differ between null values and "not supplied" values. One of the fastest json serializers for .NET there is. Supports Microsoft Web API.
Object / Document peer to peer database for the .NET framework.
Lightweight REST client for C#
Custom contract resolvers for JSON.NET, including a contract resolver with which one can easily exclude fields from being serialized without using attributes.
An Ajax framework for ASP.Net 4.0 web form applications.
This library enables the end users to create a lightweight representation of the google.visualization.DataTable object directly in Microsoft.NET and the creation of the necessary JSON as needed by the Google Chart Tools Javascript library.
Yeah, you can access json with dynamic & Json.Net. But why can't we have the old static way? Is there no one miss the happiness of working with intellisense? There must be a easy way. 动态调用RestAPI返回的json, 确实很简单 但是你自己要封装一个SDK给别人,你好意思给人家说明书让人家看着说明书动态调用么? 看着动态调用里面写着...
Easy to use framework for serializing to and from json. Supports typed dto objects, dynamic dto objects and immutable dto types like F# record types. Can differ between null values and "not supplied" values. One of the fastest json serializers for .NET there is. Supports Microsoft Web API.
AJAX AutoComplete library based on Anthem
Smallest, fastest polymorphic JSON serializer; Kamran Ayub's fork of fastJSON @ v2.0.13. The revision number corresponds to the version of my fork.
The template to bind JSON data to View from Controller in MVC Application.
Easy of use JSON library for .NET platforms. Provides reader, writer and ability to build mutable JSON data at runtime.
*DEPRECATED* Meta package which pulls in the new Collection+Json packages