Top 20 NuGet AJAX Packages

NOTE! This package is deprecated. Use JOS.ContentSerializer instead. By simply calling .ToJson on any ContentData object you will get a JSON representation of that object.
Minimal JSON parser/serializer in C#.
Simple implementation of service calls to for natural language processing.
A minimalistic and fast JSON parser/deserializer. Mobile versions for Android and WP8.
A JSON Script Library
Gives you the possibility to strip the data you want to send over your REST-Service based on the query of the client
Tiny javascript library written to send in-browser http requests either GET, POST or using any other HTTP supported method. It can help in scenarios like auto-login & others. What it actually does (by default) is opens up a new tab (in most cases) for the provided URL with the data parameters as if...
Open source, contribute here:
A lightweight, simple, flexible, extensible library to read configurations using strongly typed classes. - you can use a standard way to read configuration from app.config or from a pure JSON configuration file. - you can also use a mix of various configuration sources like app.config and config.j...
Converts the resx files in the project to corresponding .json files. The JSON will also contain the lcid and lang name, eg : en-us and 1033
This package can be used in your websites, where you want to create simple login systems without having to install and manage the databases. It makes use of JSON files and simple .NET code to create and expose methods to create accounts, let them log in and log out. You can use the UserId and other ...
Lightweight AJAX Framework.
An easy way to parse XML or JSON to Objects.
Provides the means to consume Liferay Portal's core and plugins remote services
Contract resolver extensions for Json.NET. For snake_case1 and snake_case_2
Fx.Configuration to use with Azure Cloud Services configuration A lightweight, simple, flexible, extensible library to read configurations using strongly typed classes. - you can use a standard way to read configuration from app.config or from a pure JSON configuration file. - you can al...
Fast JSON serializer
Pure Javascript framework - unobtrusive MVVM. Full-fledged framework including ajax, routing, validation, scripts/styles dynamic loading, module management. The outstanding points are unobstrusiveness, performance, lightweight, easy to learn, easy to extend controls.
Ajax methods helpers.
Dable is simple and elegant. It has ZERO dependencies and works in IE 8+