Top 20 NuGet xamarin Packages

A plugin for the [Xamarin.OneDrive.Connector] to access profile data through the microsoft graph api.
A plugin for the [Xamarin.OneDrive.Connector] to search for files through the microsoft graph api.
Overlogger: A way to log/track metrics in your app that allows you to switch between backends freely
Overlogger: A way to log/track metrics in your app that allows you to switch between backends freely
Overlogger: A way to log/track metrics in your app that allows you to switch between backends freely
Overlogger: A way to log/track metrics in your app that allows you to switch between backends freely
Xamarin Forms IHostLifetime implementation for Microsoft.Extensions.Hosting.
Xamarin Android Binding Library - Duktape
Xamarin Android Binding Library - Arch Persistence DB Framework
Xamarin Android Binding Library - Arch Persistence DB
Xamarin Android Binding Library - Arch Persistence Room RxJava
Xamarin Android Binding Library - Arch Persistence Room Runtime
Xamarin Binding Library - Permutive SDK Android
Xamarin plugin to access Bluetooth Low Energy quickly and easily on Xamarin.Forms and Xamarin.Android or Xamarin.iOS.
This package includes Windows.Storage like APIs cross-platform such as: - MessageDialog for representing a dialog for showing messages to the user. - UICommand for providing a command in a context menu.
This package includes Windows.UI like APIs cross-platform such as: - Color representing a color in terms of alpha, red, green, and blue channels. - Colors representing a set of predefined colors. - DispatcherTimer providing a timer that is integrated into the Dispatcher queue, whic...