Top 20 NuGet xamarin Packages

Xamarin.Android bindings for Android Support Library - drawerlayout
Xamarin.Android bindings for Android Support Library - coordinatorlayout
Xamarin.Android bindings for Android Support Library - livedata-core
Xamarin.Android bindings for Android Support Library - livedata
Customized calendar plugin for Xamarin.Forms
Advanced Google Maps for Xamarin Forms (iOS and Android).
.NET for Android (formerly Xamarin.Android) bindings for AndroidX library ''.
.NET for Android (formerly Xamarin.Android) bindings for AndroidX library ''.
.NET for Android (formerly Xamarin.Android) bindings for AndroidX library 'androidx.lifecycle:lifecycle-service'.
.NET for Android (formerly Xamarin.Android) bindings for AndroidX library 'androidx.constraintlayout:constraintlayout-solver'.
.NET for Android (formerly Xamarin.Android) bindings for AndroidX library 'androidx.annotation:annotation'.
FlexViewer is a previewing control which can be used to view FlexReport and PDF documents
ArcGIS Runtime Augmented Reality controls and utilities for Xamarin.Forms Android and iOS apps
ArcGIS Runtime Augmented Reality controls and utilities for Xamarin.Android and Xamarin.iOS apps.
.NET for Android (formerly Xamarin.Android) bindings for AndroidX library 'androidx.biometric:biometric'.
A extension to the ReactiveUI platform that provides Splat bitmap operation support.
Shiny Push Integration - Google Firebase Cloud Messaging
Shiny Push Integration - Microsoft Azure Notification Hubs
.NET for Android (formerly Xamarin.Android) bindings for AndroidX library 'androidx.annotation:annotation-experimental'.
Bindings for .NET for Android (formerly Xamarin.Android) Google.Android.DataTransport.TransportBackendCct package