Top 20 NuGet xamarin.ios Packages

This is a Xamarin.iOS binding project for SVGKit v2.x
This package contains a package that let you search in your application assemblies. This is a plugin for MvvmCross.
Intercom SDK bindings for iOS
Non-standard Extensions (utilities) to Xamarin-Auth (refresh-token)
Xamarin.iOS - Place Picker using MapKit, CoreLocation
Create vector based font icons for TabbedPages and Labels. Using vector based font icons removes the need to scale images. FontAwesome, IonIcons, FoundationIcons, and Themify Icon keys included.
Display HUD's dialog.
Xamarin.iOS Binding Library - AccountKit
C# version of Ramotion.ExpandingCollection
libvideo is a fast, clean way to download YouTube videos. It is fully portable and has no dependencies. Find us on GitHub at
Xamarin.iOS Binding Library - Stripe
Xamarin Binding Library - Kount iOS SDK
C# bindings for iZettle iOS
Xamarin Binding Library - AFNetworking
Xamarin Binding Library - CCHMapClusterController
Xamarin Binding Library - FMDB
Xamarin Binding Library - YYModel
Xamarin Binding Library - FastttCamera