Top 20 NuGet winform Packages

Session Class for Windows Forms/ WPF
Control Library to show the Weather Meteo Icon. Use Api (Free use API)
Package Description
Simple, flexible, interactive and powerful data visualization for WinForms (forked from master branch to add Support to (Multi Targting) netcoreapp3.1, Net 6.0, Net 7.0 And Net 8.0)
This package provides Windows Forms Async/Cross Thread Extensions.
适用于 WinForm 的带下拉列表的自定义搜索文本框控件, 支持自定义搜索条件.
Rapid Framework to create C# WinFrom application with EF6 and Metroframework UI
Code-free validation for TextBox, ComboBox, and more...
A custom Panel that creates a glow effect around a child control or a drop shadow when it receives focus
This is a Dot Matrix Label, It supports color gradients for on and off dots to give it that 3D look. Also uses smoothing to make it look even better. Dot height and width along with the space between dots is customizable. To top it all off, the control is already double buffered, so it will never fl...
Complete, cross-platform, managed wrapper around the GLFW library for creating native windows with an OpenGL context.
Easy neural network visualizer winform .Net usercontrol
FormDesigner 是一个基于.NET C# 开发的 Winform 自定义表单设计组件。支持Xml保存和加载表单,支持控件的拖放和属性设置,支持复制、粘贴、对齐、撤销、重做等设计时操作。
Draw shapes on window controls while runtime program.
Custom slider for your applications
Control Library to check Internet Connection, Wifi and Ehernet...
Lightweight and full-featured data Grid control. The Grid Control for NET offers a very fast data grid for your Visual Studio projects. Includes NET Core support and improved javascript visualisation via jsGrid. Demo code:
CML.ToolKit是一个基于C#的编程工具包,其中包含WinForm控件、配置操作、加密解密、数据库操作等功能。 【开发环境】 * Language: C# 7.1 * IDE: Visual Studio 2019 * Framework: .Net Framework 4.0