Top 20 NuGet windows Packages

Elysium is library that implements Metro style for Windows Presentation Foundation applications.
Provides a wrapper to the Home Realm Discovery API.
Among the fastest of IoC containers. Light weight, effective and easy to use. Features: 1 interface to many implementations Auto IEnumerable Auto registration Auto-wiring Config Injection Container configuring through sub-configs Custom lifetime Eager/Lazy Singletons Injection with in-memory assem...
Gauge control for Windows 10.
Linq provider for Windows management objects
This library is to simplify the connectivity status check on Android and iOS by providing a unified simple to use API to detect connectivity on both platforms. This package is compatible with the following .net platforms: Xamarin.iOS (Unified), Xamarin.Android, and soon (Windows Phone 8...
Generic windows services hoster
An open source implementation of the Facebook Graph API for WinRT to allow developers to integrate Facebook Login, Dialogs, and Graph requests into their Universal apps. Supports apps written in XAML + C++/C# for Windows 10
Fabric provides developers with the tools they need to build the best apps. Developed and maintained by Twitter and the team that built Crashlytics, Fabric provides an easy way to manage all your SDKs so that you’ll never have to worry about tedious configurations or juggling different accounts. We ...
The Device Portal Wrapper is a library that allows a client application to connect to a Device Portal instance on a Windows 10 device and call the REST APIs presented. This allows an application to e.g. install apps, reboot the device, or get performance metrics. See the GitHub repo at https://g...
A PowerShell module that leverages the Windows Store Submission API to allow easy automation of application submissions to the Windows Store.
An MSBuild SDK package for SDK-style .NET projects that has additional targets and properties which extends `Microsoft.NET.Sdk`.
This package is a fork of the Windows Input Simulator package. If you have encountered applications that do not receive input from the original Windows Input Simulator, try replacing it with this package instead.
Windows Library
Helper for Single Instance Applications for Windows Forms and WPF
Wrapper over WinAppDriver for .NET
Privileges determine the type of system operations that a process can perform. Process Privileges is a set of extension methods, written in C#, for System.Diagnostics.Process. It implements the functionality necessary to query, enable, disable or remove privileges on a process.
Includes types that provide support for creating, serializing and validating WsTrust Messages.
Provides powerful yet lightweight logging functionality to your Crosslight apps. Supports all client and server platforms.
AzureCheck Agent to monitor Azure applications. Account must be created at: