Top 20 NuGet window Packages

DMSkin for WPF,无边框窗体解决方案,基于WPF的UI框架 支持:.NET Framework 3.5 - 4.7 支持:Windows XP - Windows 10
Special build of MaterialDesignExtensions supporting long file system paths via an additional library rather than System.IO to support older Windows and .NET versions. If you do not need the long path support for older Windows and .NET version, please install the original Material Design Extensions...
An RPA C# library with provide some methods to manipulate Images, Mouse and Keyboard
Raw SDL2 bindings for .NET. Used by Veldrid for window and input management.
Coding4Fun PopUp based IWindowManager implementation for Caliburn Micro.
Javascript api to create bootstrap modal dialog dynamically without the need of any html markup
Provides an interface for communicating with Thrust. Allows creation of HTML5 based UIs that can communicate fluently with C# code.
A WPF window host.
Make your top-level WPF windows stick when moved or resized.
Yato.DirectXOverlay offers an easy to use interface for basic Direct2D drawing on any Window. You can also create transparent windows to do your drawing on top of any other window. Transparent windows optionally stick to their parent.
Windows Forms WebView2 control
BlendHelpOverlay is a C# helper framework that compliments BlendWindow.
Konsole native Windows driver. (works with .NET Standard or .NET Framework projects only on windows)
Visual Studio Interactive Window (Text Editor)
Helper classes for creating and managing application windows and user input.
Silverlight 5 Multi-Window Controls
Uses TypeScript to create a knockout binding that implements bootstrap's modal functionality..
Add code to load and save application window settings like size
Add code to load and save application window settings like size