Top 20 NuGet webapi Packages

Taurus.mvc is a high-performance mvc and webapi framework for or core(适合场景:对性能和并发有较高要求的电商、站点、WebAPI等系统,支持.Net Framework 2.0+,.Net Core 2.1+,天然支持分布式,内置微服务【注册中心、网关、客户端】三合一。【开源:】
Creates Web API project by Visual Basic.
OASP Solution template for webapi project
ASP.NET Core rate limiting middleware based on Regular Expressions for Urls
Command Query Separation for ASP.NET Web API 2 🌐 ✔️ Provides generic actions for handling the execution of commands and queries ✔️ Enables APIs based on HTTP POST and GET 📄
webapi,coreapi 二次开发框架,可根据需要自动输出XML,JSON,HTML等,具备上传下载接口,所有异常重定向处理并直接输出JSON,而非HTTP错误。具备接口流量处理,敏感词处理、认证处理
Models to facilitate implementation and handling successful and error responses in web api.
Aurelia/WebAPI Webtemplate
Documentation about how to use will be published soon. Please check it out on my blog at or
Documentation about how to use will be published soon. Please check it out on my blog at or
Facilitate logs, and other functionalities when building a .Net application
Seamlessly adds a Swagger to WebApi projects!
Provides an endpoint for ASP.NET Web Api services to serve a JavaScript proxy and metadata
Message hub for Zaaby framework by RabbitMQ.
This release has the ability to scaffold out an entire .NET Core project with Aurelia CLI. This will help streamline the Aurelia build process and enable rapid development in an integrated environment. You can generate a full fledge secure application with the --secure true option on top of all...
Create ASP.NET Web Demo project by CQRS pattern.
Create ASP.NET Web project by CQRS pattern.
Generates documentation for Web API 2.0 services
The Api.ResultWrapper.AspNetCore is a global exception handler and response wrapper for ASP.NET Core APIs. It uses a middleware to capture exceptions and to capture HTTP response to build a consistent response object for both successful and error requests.