Top 20 NuGet webapi Packages

The WebApiContrib.IoC.Unity library provides dependency injection helpers for ASP.NET Web API.
Community Contributions for ASP.NET Web API
Topshelf.WebApi.Ninject provides extensions to Topshelf.WebApi to configure a self-hosted WebAPI instance, built from your Ninject IoC Container, along with your service class.
The files and references that are essential for a Breeze Legacy ASP.NET Web API Entity Framework v5 Server. We recommend installing this package shortly after creating a project with the "ASP.NET Empty Web Application" template or one of the MVC 4 templates such as the "ASP.NET MVC 4 Empty" templat...
Delegation Handler based Authentication Framework for ASP.NET Web API v2.
OWIN middleware for validating OAuth2 and OpenID Connect scope claims.
Scope-based Authorization for Web API v2.
A scaffold for building an application with Zurb for Applications and .Net that includes OWIN Token based authentication.
This package is used by the RAML Tools for .NET Visual Studio extension to generate RAML metadata from an existing WebAPI implementation. In Visual Studio, go to Tools -> Extensions and Updates, then search for RAML in the Online gallery.
Provides a default starting point for setting up a new WebApi service which includes Its.Configuration and Its.Log with a set of classes that preconfigure numerous defaults.
NJsonApiCore extends a ASP.NET json web service so that it returns JSON in the {json:api} format.
Allows backwards compatibility for your JSON based APIs by differentiating between 'Null' and 'Not Supplied'. This is the JsonConverters package which allows correct serialization and deserialization of OptionalTypes in Asp.Net Core and WebAPI.
This package contains libraries to trace ASP.NET Web API requests.
Biblioteca que permite adicionar notificações em suas classes (entidade, objeto de valor, serviços, Dtos e etc) Vantagens - Suporte em 2 idiomas - Gera mensagens automáticas baseada na validação que deseja O foco deste framework é permitir que trabalhe com notificações ao invés de e...
RESTful ASPNETCORE server repository-forwarding support for Bix
RESTful HTTP client repository framework for Bix
Swagger Generator for API's built on ASP.NET Core
ASPNETCORE WebApi support for Bix
IO tooling used for fast network data transfer
Network data transfer HTTP client for Bix