Top 20 NuGet web Packages

Winrt binding library for Bridge.NET projects.
Playerframework binding library for Bridge.NET projects.
Office JS (office-js) binding library for Bridge.NET projects.
Blissfuljs binding library for Bridge.NET projects.
Redis Messaging Hub is a dotnetcore 1.x library that utilizes Redis pub/sub features along with Web Sockets to provide a streamlined and stable messaging system. Some advantages include the ability to send messages to a client from anywhere by simply publishing to a channel from any location.
Web Abstractions and components
This assembly allows you to easily create Web API
Types and parsers for working with the HTTP State (Cookies) specification in RFC 6265
Testing utilities and helpers for Freya libraries, plus Freya applications
Testing utilities and helpers for Freya libraries, plus Freya applications
Polyfill for Kestrel based server implementations
Polyfill for Kestrel based server implementations
Freya Optics for access to HTTP state/cookies extension properties of requests and responses
Freya Optics for access to HTTP state/cookies extension properties of requests and responses
Freya Optics for access to Patch extension properties of requests and responses
Freya Optics for access to core HTTP properties of requests and responses
Freya Optics for access to CORS extension properties of requests and responses
A Freya machine expressing the core HTTP semantics and logic
Core utilities and tools for building Freya machines