Top 20 NuGet utils Packages

Common utilities for NHibernate.
Common utilities for Windsor.
Transliterator from Cyrillic to Latinica symbols for link generation or post titles
Synchronization helper: a static lock collection associated with a key. NamedLock manages the lifetime of critical sections that can be accessed by a key (name) throughout the application. It also have some helper methods to allow a maximum wait time (timeout) to aquire the lock and safelly release...
Simple key value storage using sqlite (C# - Source file). All member methods are thread-safe, so a instance can be safelly be accessed by multiple threads. All stored items are serialized to json by Note: this nuget package contains c# source code and depends on .Net 4.0.
Contiene un conjunto de clases comunes en cualquiera de las capas bajo una arquitectura domain driven design.
ASP.NET utilities
Miscellaneous functions, classes and other leftovers.
Web Api utilities
Simple open source library to store application settings. Supports files and MS SQL Server.
Binary data helpers, some general utilities and extension methods.
Package Description
LetsEncrypt.Umbraco - modifies Umbraco Owin startup to allow serving static files from .well-known directory
String Token Generator for NET. The size of the token can be provided by parameter.
This is a library of simple utilities for developers of websites.
Core library for the whole libraries
Common code used on many company's projects
Spread of classes, used in different projects as a shared component. Service locator - service locator implementation with type mapping capabilities. Object Mapper -service locator implementation with type mapping capabilities.