Top 20 NuGet utilities Packages

number, money and currency parsing/formatting library
This library provides a set of classes useful for performing efficient concurrent operations. Includes a port of Java's LongAdder and Striped64 classes.
Helpers, extensions, and utilities.
MSBuild targets/tasks to add decompiling support to Xamarin.Android bindings projects
Set of tools to help Single Page Application development
A set of extensions that allow defining configuration properties in XML and registering your components in code using a custom properties resolver
Epicycle .NET commons library. Contains various utilities, file system abstraction, reporting and more. Used by other Epicycle packages. * Details & release notes: * Sources:
Common google api authentication classes for .NET applications
Test base class and utility methods.
Utilities library for extending standart libraries
A collection of .Net utilities for Slack
Contiene varios helpers que crean elementos HTML
Many utilitity methods: Active Directory, Validations, WebServices, FastLookup, Access to: Caching, ConnectionString, Cookies, ServerVariables, Session
C# Utilities
A utility repository that provides common utility functions that require in every software development project.
WCF Common utilities used across SOA application.