Top 20 NuGet universal Packages

Provides the capability to detrmine if a sensor reading is stable by taking taking several samples over time and evaluating the variance.
Provides a fluent API for the GPIO ports on a Universal Windows Platofrm.
Provides software based PWM.
Provides integration to the DS1307 Real Time Clock breakout board kit from Adafruit.
Provides simplified I2C integration as well as an interface to buid specific I2C components on.
Provides an integration point to cornol an Arduino via an i2c connection. Requires a specific sketch to be running onthe Arduino.
Cimbalino Toolkit is a set of useful and powerful items that will help you build your Windows applications. This is the UI Controls portion of the toolkit.
Several extension methods for the MonoGame Matrix class
MonoGame library for drawing primitive shapes
Monogame library for circle/line and tunnel-free circle/circle collision detection.
A MonoGame library for sorting the draw order of 2d objects
Genesys Source Extension common-library .NET Framework extension methods and extra classes. Genesys Framework is a full-stack .NET solution that centralizes your business objects in one reusable solution.
A very simple MonoGame library that sits and listens for coin drops (keyboard press, etc.) and tracks number of credits.
Library for parsing BulletML xml files. Used for scripting bullet patterns in shmup games.
MonoGame component to display the frame rate.
A library that lets you connect Javascript on the browser side to the C# code by proxying C# side.
Pre-built OpenCV 3.x binaries on Windows (UWP). This package contains native builds of OpenCV3 - C++ (x86, x64, arm). Note that VideoIO, and all dependent modules, require UWP Desktop extensions.
Pre-built OpenCV 3.x binaries on Windows (UWP). This package contains native builds of OpenCV3 - C++ (x86, x64, arm). Note that VideoIO, and all dependent modules, require UWP Desktop extensions.