Top 20 NuGet unittesting Packages

Moq is the most popular and friendly mocking framework for .NET.
It's faking amazing! The easy mocking library for .NET that works great in C# and VB.NET alike. No need to know the difference between a stub, a mock or a spy, everything's a fake! The easy to use, refactoring friendly API makes faking a breeze.
The most powerful free mocking library available for .NET developers.
.NET port of Hamcrest, a matcher library with some extra matchers
A Serilog sink that correlates log events with the code that produced them, enabling unit testing of log output.
Through a fluent, extensible interface, NBuilder allows you to rapidly create test data, automatically assigning values to properties and public fields that are one of the built in .NET data types (e.g. ints and strings). NBuilder allows you to override for properties you are interested in using lam...
Dynamic mocking framework for .NET
Ecng system framework System Framework is a comprehensive collection of system classes designed for the development of connectors under the StockSharp platform.
A .NET library for using MSTest (and Moq) on top of the ChannelAdam Test Framework.
Foq is a lightweight thread-safe mocking library for F#, C#, and VB with a similar API to Moq.
A .NET library for using the open source, .NET Standard MSTest V2 (and Moq) on top of the ChannelAdam Test Framework.
A .NET library that provides helpers for using Moq on top of the ChannelAdam.TestFramework.
With inspiration taken from mocking frameworks like NSubstitute, FakeItEasy and JustMock this package adds some of the syntactic advantages of these frameworks to Moq. TransparentMoq allows to use Moq without having to store mocks in Mock<T> variables, instead a T variable can be used. This also re...
Time-saving extensions to create and setup large number of mocks using Moq framework.
Contributed features and third-party integration for Moq.
It's what a Mocking Framework should be. Powerful. And it's the first of its kind.
The Visual Studio Testing Extensions is a library that exposes a set of extension methods to provide a way to write more readable unit tests in the Visual Studio Unit Testing environment. It is developed in C# 4.0 and requires the .NET 4.0 runtime.
Common code for all SignalR.UnitTestingSupport.* nugets . If you want support for unit testing signalR core (Hub and IHubContext) use one of this packages (NUnit, xUnit, MsTest version):,
Speed up your unit test writing by using this helper that leverages AutoMocker to automatically mock dependencies.
Provides a testable abstraction and alternative to DateTime.Now / DateTime.UtcNow