Top 20 NuGet unit Packages

XUnit extensions to aid testing ASP.Net Core-specific properties / attributes etc.
A helper library for serializing and deserializing types in Units.NET using Json.NET.
Adds support for running NUnit 3 unit tests on Xamarin Supported Xamarin platforms: - Android - iOS - Windows 10 Universal Apps
ef and dapper repository.
ef and dapper repository.
Get all the common units of measurement and the conversions between them. It is light-weight and thoroughly tested.
Enumerations tests framework is provided as an NUnit based framework sufficient to exercise the majority of boilerplate issues concerning both Ordinal as well as Bitwise Enumerations.
NmpDataCollector is a unit test data collector that can be used to collect .NET Memory Profiler data, retrieve memory usage information, and perform memory assertions within the unit test. Add this data collector to the .runsettings file to run the unit tests under the .NET Memory Profiler tool...
C# implementation of the functional Result monadic type.
Testing Extensions
Testing Extensions
Testing Extensions
PetaTest - A tiny unit testing thing for your peace of mind PetaTest is tiny but powerful, embeddable, dependency free Unit Testing framework for .NET and Mono. Supplied as a single .cs file with no additional dependencies other than what's in the GAC.
This package contains the ScriptSharp.Testing assembly which allows you to launch browsers and load pages using the QUnit testing framework while integrating with Visual Studio unit testing features in the IDE. In particular, Script# generates unit test classes and methods within a Script Libr...
rmocks is a JavaScript mocking framework designed especially for developers familiar with the Rhino Mocks .NET unit testing framework.
The Silverlight 5 Toolkit MSTest testing support package. Contains all the assemblies required to do unit testing for your Silverlight project. Packaged by Singulink ( as apparently no more love is being shown by Microsoft for Silverlight :(
.NET extensions and helpers for MSTest.
Portable C# framework for Units of Measurement. Applicable on .NET Framework 4 and higher, Windows 8 and higher, Windows Phone 8 and 8.1 Silverlight, Windows Phone 8.1, Silverlight 5, Xamarin Android, Xamarin iOS (Classic and Unified API).