Top 20 NuGet umbraco Packages

Chauffeur.ContentImport is a plugin for Chauffeur that uses the Umbraco Packaging API to import and publish content.
Merges Changes made by different instances of Umbraco.
Helper extension to create HTML5 picture element with sources, and browser fallbacks
A generic content api for the Umbraco platform. The nuget comes with a standard set of "property converters" but this converters can be overridden and handled differently to suit your needs (make usage of CDN for example)
A library for enabling ASP.Net Identity to work with Umbraco front-end members. Original code used a SqlCe data store. This one uses a MySql database rather than a Sql CE database
A RSS listing control for the Umbraco Grid Layout
Umbraco Template Engine provides a way of easily rendering content with different templates for different usages on a website.
Editor for Umbraco grid that allows for easy creation of bootstrap callapsible panels / accordions. To work correctly, this plugin requires bootstrap 3 CSS/JS to be loaded into the view being rendered. For grouped accordions, please ensure the accordions you wish to be grouped have a common ancest...
An external login store for ASP.NET Identity for Umbraco.
Umbraco extension to quickly create SEO friendly websites.
Maps interface properties to document type properties. Works for 6.x and 7.x.
Umbraco Package: Supports a mail cache and SSL / SMIME for .NET SmtpClient. For SMIME the package uses a derivation of Cpi.Net.SecureMail by Pete Everett (
Includes names of nodes selected via Multi-Node Treepickers (MNTP) into Examine indexes instead of the node IDs to facilitate Examine searches. More information on
Maps interface properties to document type properties. Untested below 7.5
uLess has been modified so that the location of the less files is now configurable through the appSetting "umbracoLessPath". If the setting in the Web.config file is missing, the location defaults to /less/.
An implementation of an Umbraco file system provider for Rackspace Cloud Files, used to offload static files in the media section to this cloud provider.
Poort80.Umbraco.Validation dataanotations in Umbraco
An Umbraco property editor for handling opening hours.