Top 20 NuGet transport Packages

Interface with SNCF webservice. Data in real time (almost) with train details.
structuredData.Transform implementation for json using JsonPatch
structuredData.Transform implementation for json using JsonT
LibP2P Transport abstractions
Swiss Transport API .NET Framework
Library to make use of the open APIs of Deutsche Bahn
library for accessing the Auckland Transport API, for GTFS and GTFS-Realtime feeds.
An asynchronous easy to use WebSocket client
An asynchronous high-performance and easy to use WebSocket server
Extensible library for comparing structured transport data (e.g. xml / json)
Extensible library for transforming structured transport data (e.g. xml / json)
StructuredData.Transform implementation for xml using xdt (e.g. code version of csproj TransformXml task)
StructuredData.Transform implementation for xml using xslt (e.g. XmlCompiledTransform)
A teletext subtitle decoder, in C# targetting NET standard 2.0
Stream based Transport for use with Kestrel Http Server
C# implementation of ZeroMQ Realtime Exchange Protocol. Automatic discovery of nodes anywhere on the network!
Basic C# API client to access information about munich public transportation.
The netzmq project contains .NET bindings for ZeroMQ, an open-source, high performance transport layer. The project provides an idiomatic, test-friendly API and targets the Any CPU platform. Everything needed to write ZeroMQ programs is bundled in the netzmq assembly for both 32- and 64-bit platform...