Top 20 NuGet topshelf Packages

Spring IT SimpleInjector Service bus implementation
集成Quartz 和 Topshelf,适用快速迭代开发
Encapsula a criação de conexões e chamada aos métodos de um serviço SignalR. Ex.: SignalRCreateConnection exemploHub = new SignalRCreateConnection("http://localhost:8082/signalr", "ExampleHub"); SignalRCreateConnection notificationHub = new SignalRCreateConnection(host, "NotificationHub"); 1- "In...
Topshelf.CommandLineOptions provides extension to use CommandLine options when installing and launching apps build using Topshelf.
Encapsula a criação de conexões e chamada aos métodos de um serviço SignalR. Ex.: SignalRCreateConnection exemploHub = new SignalRCreateConnection("http://localhost:8082/signalr", "ExampleHub"); SignalRCreateConnection notificationHub = new SignalRCreateConnection(host, "NotificationHub"); 1- "In...
Dump Topshelf service process memory via HTTP(S) (Kestrel host) endpoint & ProcDump. Optionally download dumps through the endpoint etc.
Interface for Windows Service Bootstrapper.
Please see or product page.
Cake Build addon for managing Topshelf services.
Wrapper for using LightInject with TopShelf
Extension for Topshelf to be able to host any type of application, not just a Console Application.
The package allows to link Topshelf, Quartz and Autofac altogether