Top 20 NuGet toolkit Packages

ArcGIS Maps SDK for .NET controls and utilities for WPF apps.
ArcGIS Maps SDK for .NET controls and utilities for UWP apps.
Handles passing of parameters to running instance(s) of an application.
提供.NET6.0 常用的开发工具类,包括网络请求,图像处理,安全校验等。
A YAML deserializer. Breaking changes in 3.1.x - See for more information.
Provides usefull extension methods. This assembly contains all funtions of the following packages: Capgemini.Cauldron.Core.Comparing Capgemini.Cauldron.Core.Extensions Capgemini.Cauldron.Core.Extensions.Compression Capgemini.Cauldron.Core.Extensions.Convertions Ca...
Console-based user interface toolkit for .NET applications using Xamarin.Forms
This package includes Windows.Media.Capture like APIs cross-platform such as: - CameraCaptureUI for providing a full window UI for capturing video and photos from a camera.
AzureSearchToolkit is a lightweight set of tools for Azure Search to quickly build search functionalities for .NET Standard web apps. It features a rich LINQ provider which allows to write strongly typed queries based on your derived context and entity classes. A representation of the LINQ query is...
A web toolkit consisting of helpers, extensions, builders and containers to aid server-side Web Development.