Top 20 NuGet text Packages

Higher layer for imbACE (Advanced Console Environment) application: Text User Interface (TUI), plugin support
An extension for the FluentFiles.FixedLength package that enables attribute-based configuration.
An extension for the FluentFiles.Delimited package that enables attribute-based configuration.
This is a port of pragmatic_segmenter, a Ruby gem which is a rule-based sentence boundary detection library with support for multiple languages.
A cross platform console enhancement library for .NET NetStandard core.
CHIMP text USB platform metadata provider
An improved Text DingTalk app for Seq ( that uses Handlebars.NET for templating. This package supports Seq 3.3+. Install the 1.x version of this package for compatibility with earlier versions of Seq.
Blazor Components used at webenology
Extensions to Stubble adding ValueGetters for Newtonsoft Json.Net
Simple text templating engine
Sample code for AvalonEdit the WPF-based text editor used in SharpDevelop. Modify your App.xaml file so the StartupUri points to the AvalonEdit Sample window: StartupUri="/Samples/AvalonEdit/Window1.xaml"
NHibernate Search brings the power of full text search engines to the persistence domain model by combining NHibernate with the capabilities of the Lucene.Net search engine.
A very simple text parser that currently contains implementations to format a text with a set of configurable regular exceptions. It is also very easy to extend with new formatters by implementing the IFormatter interface. The component currently has example configuration for converting BBCode to XH...
Text Adventure Engine provides the game engine that powers Text Adventure.
Lucene.Net Contrib Spatial.NTS adds Geospatial support for Lucene.Net
Plugin for RavenDB that extracts text from attachments so they can be indexed.
The ServiceStack serializer implementations for EyeSoft ecosystem.
Extension for ServiceStack.Text to serialize Tuple as a delimited string.