Top 20 NuGet testing Packages

API functional tests with a fixture pattern
ReportGenerator converts XML reports generated by OpenCover, dotCover, Visual Studio, NCover, Cobertura, JaCoCo or Clover or into human readable reports in various formats. The reports do not only show the coverage quota, but also include the source code and visualize which line has been covered. U...
Mocklis is a library and source code generator for .net, targeted at generating test doubles from interfaces. Mocklis.MockGenerator contains the code generation packaged as a Roslyn Analyzer/Code fix pair.
HttpClient extensions to test REST endpoints.
Simple framework to write assertive unit tests
The Capgemini.Logger.ApplicationInsights NuGet has been created to facilitate testing of log statements whilst providing additional functionality specific to ApplicationInsights - e.g. the ability to log an Application Insights 'event' / pass almost any object to the Application Insights 'properties...
Initialize a large collection of objects in a more readable way.
A fixture for XUnit that start up a mongo DB to test your code with. Whilst it was built for XUnit it should be framework agnostic.
This package needs to be installed in order to execute JazSharp unit tests in visual studio and the dotnet command line.
JazSharp is a unit testing and method-level mocking framework heavily inspired by Jasmine (JavaScript). Major benefits of using this framework over others is that you can mock non-virtual and static calls removing interfaces and dependency injection as requirements for effective unit tes...
Marktek.Fluent.Testing.Engine - A flexible Engine allowing you to focus on reusable components and removing the need to have messy unreadable tests
Testing Utility used for easily gathering variables in memory and printing them without a ton of Console.Writeline statements.
Allows you to identify Domain Models and their relationships to their peer Models, which it then generates a Repository Pattern suite that complies with the SOLID Principles and other Best Practices. Automatically generates an effective set of Unit and Integration Tests.
Code tests using Dependency Injection
FSec is a tool for automatically running security tests for .NET programs. The tool provides some basic security testing functionality to discover vulnerabilities.